Ebay have deleted all the emails that were stored in my Inbox. I had however saved most of them, so heres a few more:
Hello from Pennsylvania. Great job with your listing ,I'm very aware of E-Bay and their scam it is great that you brought it out to the public keep up the great work.. Ted 610-xxx-xxxx
- tedn3
HILARIOUS!!!! Thank you for an auction which said it ALL!! I am a near 10 year seller on Ebay from Colorado USA. I have over 1200 positives and only 4 negs, and have worked HARD to be honest, thorough in my descriptions and good at it...and that will all be down the tubes with this assanine new rule of ONLY buyers leaving negs. No more checks and balances. Ten years have taught me that buyers will be buyers...and some WILL leave stupid reasons for negging you. And as far as Paypal--I RESENT the huge push to use it. So I do NOT. Hope you do well on the other selling site in the UK. I am actively looking for a new place to sell here. I want a VEHICLE site, not one that has turned into the driver of MY success (and now failure thanks to their new STOOPID rules) Janie in Colorado USA (lasal on Ebay)
- lasal
Hi class-it, I love you for your laptop auction. Everything you said was sooooo true. I sell (for now) on another id and loathe paypal. I am going to try my own website and a few other sites as well. Thanks again for that auction, Jill
- rsws2004
You are my hero right now, lol! I love, LOVE this auction. Thanks for the inspiration and I feel my creative auctioning skills coming on...
- four_sisters_boutique
I saw your listing for the sony lap top. Someone posted a link on www.ballreviews.com (bowling website) classic man. Funniest, yet most truthful thing I have read in along time. Thanks for that! sgc_collectiblez Oxford, Michigan USA
- sgc_collectiblez
Loved your listing - have sent it to my friend in Canada who's had issues both as a seller and a buyer on eBay there. Have registered with Tazbar, thanks for the heads up! I've only bought on eBay, but it seems to me that sellers have as much right to be protected as buyers. I respect you for speaking out.
- targanielle
Well said, glad someone is standing up to ebay and paypal.. good luck pal! Kevin
- daisymay_2007
Brilliant absolutely brilliant.... Good on you for that... Would love to see the media get hold of this and to show Ebay and paypal how stupid they are... support all the way... never heard of that site before but looking into it....
- fairyfox2005
Excellent mate, very impressed! As I write this I see below it says: "our ongoing efforts to make eBay as safe as possible" and I can't help but laugh! I would feel safer shopping in a Baghdad slum that I do on here!
- danslearningshop
I saw this last night and is great and so true, its sad that they have forced you to close the ad but surely if they bid £10m they would have to pay? or you could report a non paying bidder and get the fees refunded :D I wont be using ebay anymore if this is really what they are going to do with feedback, it leaves it open to so many new scams and bribes!
- clair182001
can someone tell me how to close my account please ?
- mrhubz
Do you think this fair on me, how am i suppose to make a living if you tell other sellers my trade secrets.
- driver4419
Good for you!!! I'm sure that ebay did, in fact pull your auction, but it was well stated. I just wanted to say thanks to you for putting it out there like that. I sell some on ebay and my brother makes his living there, and this new policy there instituting is simply rediculous. Thanks again.
- leslie_girl_mr2
Saw this in the comments on The Register about eBay's interesting slant on feedback. Very funny indeed, but sorry if it's caused you grief. Well done though...
- crow1241
I LOVED YOUR LISTING!!!!!! Thank you for a great laugh in the middle of all this mess. Truth in Jest indeed Thank you Pat
- thekoop
Would you take a payment of 1 million (Barings Bank Chq. love this, well done dude
- *sloman*
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Don't waste time striking on the 18th. Just leave permanently and do what Class It has done, and list and buy elsewhere, anywhere but Greedbay. Anyone else want to sign up for www.tazbar.com
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